Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Picture Time

So here are some pictures to catch you up...

Alina & Max playing together

That's Us!

New Friends at the picnic table...

Mom & Dad walking home after dinner out.
We saw this statue which reminded Mary about one of the kids books.

Can you guess the title? (hint, it's staring at you)

Climbing Time

Yeah, Watch this...

Brat (brother) & Sestra (sister)

Up, up, and oh, wrong way...but still fun!

So easy, I can do it backwards...

Mary passing out hair bows & ribbons...

Big girls need a big bow...

All the girls got we need something for the boys.

Dad, ride with me...

Sweet ride Tolly!

Mama and Alina out for a walk

Little brother willing to share...
Tolly's not playing demolition derby, he likes to push the ride-ons...


  1. AWWW - LOVED THE PICTURE FEST!! Aaron likes to push ride-ons too....

  2. Beautiful... SOOOO happy that ya`ll got Jonah too :)... I hope you dont mind but I am grabbing a couple pics for my blog post today. My Judd (brady) was said to come from this baby house... I am glad to know he had such fun... Buy my heart hurts for where he went!
