Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Some more Pix from last month

Tom Says,

The kids are a riot but they are also very loud.  I don't know who decided that giving someone under the age of 18 a musical instrument was a good idea; (well, it seemed like a good idea, at the time, at any rate, nevermind.)  One day they decided that all the book baskets weren't for holding books but for holding children...

Having a good time with beans & bowls

Billy Idol Hair!!!

Fun for all ages

Baskets aren't for books, they're for playing catch (in, not with)

Play that funky music...

Is it school or playtime? It's both!

Thanks again for all your love and prayers.  Tolly has his first dentist appointment tomorrow, should be interesting, we'll let you know how it goes.

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