Sunday, June 12, 2011

June 10: Observations

Tom Says:

Mary and I have noticed some unusual things, today is about things we've seen, done, or noticed.   So here goes:

First, Can anybody tell me what these guys are?  I think they're some sort of aphid or ladybug.  They're not cute and they're everywhere.
 They like to hang out on the curb or sidewalk edge and when they see a shadow or feel you get close, they scurry off into the grass.

Next; the more things seem different the more they seem the same. The locals have a wedding custom where they dress up the cars with flowers, drive around town and parade the bride and groom off to show how beautiful they are, they like to hit up the tourist spots and have their pictures taken. 
Above the drivers seat are wedding rings on the roof.

I said we should renew our wedding vows, Mary said "I'm not sticking around until December."

Only from America could you get something like this...
A monster pickup truck (GMC)

And to be honest, this was the last place I expected to see honest to goodness Hare Krishna's

Don't know if the girls are part of the group or just wanted to dance.

They can fit 50 people on a bus that you or I would guess holds 30 at the most (22 seats sans seatbelts,) this bus is not filled to capacity...
Wait, Did I use Deodorant today?

Just in case you were wondering...

They know this and yet most of them still do...

Thanks to my son Ethan:
This is the boy!

Because the Scouts survival bracelet worked...

...and a little more taking apart...

Of course, after the cleaning lady saw the clothesline, she brought us a proper drying rack that they use here.  Guess we shoulda asked first...

And last of all, it's a dog's life...


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